Monday 13 August 2007

When Technology Fights Back

The other day I was in an office and a young lady was trying, beyond all hope to print something. She sent the document to the printer a few times but, to her dismay, the thing just would not print. Eventually, she figured it must be something with the setting on the printer. She proceeded to get up and alter the settings. Hmmm, good idea i thought but the printer it seemed had other plans.

I don't even know why all of this happened to catch my attention, but I'm quite glad it did, because for the next couple of minutes i was thoroughly amused. The poor young lady kept changing different things on the printer, to no avail. First she changed the tray, but for some strange reason, it kept skipping back to the default. She was getting quite furious, then finally, the printer yielded, or so she would have hoped. The right tray selected and then, after we thought she was finally out of the woods, the printer started grabbing more than one sheet of paper. I guess by now i came to realize just how resilient this piece of equipment was. This is when i couldn't stave off the uncontrollable urge to laugh. The laugh creped into my poor stomach and would not go away. I guess my brain had looked at the situation and decided that it was in fact going to be a quite funny morning.

Nehoo, where were we, right, the paper, it kept coming up in bunches, and of course got stuck, now it was a quite hilarious site. The young lady, realizing that the printer was indeed a formidable opponent, got some support. Another young lady from the office offered her help and this is when things got really funny, well for me anyway. The printer just would not give imagine, two ladies, one young, one not so quite young, trying to pull out the paper, yes both of them, using all their energy and set in some very uncomfortable positions, one using the table as support, holding on to it, and the other holding on to a nearby photocopier and bracing feet and all, trying to pull out a bunch of papers out of a printer...Quite funny indeed, i wish i had a camera at the time to show you all of this. In any case, in the battle of technology vs humans, technology 1, humans 0. One UP for technology. LOL

It looked something like this:


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