Friday 17 August 2007

itsey bitsey, teeny weeny, HUGELY ANNOYING things

I am easily annoyed, i've been constanly told by the people closest to me, and they should know. But i cannot fathom how people arent annoyed by the things that annoy me. Is it too hard to ask people to be...well a lot of things, so maybe its too much to ask. In any case here are some of those little things that annoy me.

1. I hate it when i open a door to let myself in our out, and the people on the other side just push past me when i open the door. HELLO i didn't open the door for u, you got ur own blastd hands, open the door ur darn self!
You see him? that's the doorman, thats what i'd look like if i was opening the door for you, don't get it twisted.

2. It annoys me when the stupid taxi comes along and keeps blowin ghis horn, over and over and over again. seriousl, do you think i'm that deaf or that i need that much time to decide whether or not I need a taxi, and the fact that ur've stopped and i am making no attempts to walk towards your car should suggest that I'M NOT INTERESTED GO AWAY.

3. Am I the only one who thinks when i walk into a place of business, especially somewhere i plan to spend my hard earned money, that someone in there should pay you some mind. Today i walked into a restaurant and the cashier is standing there with her friend talking about some crap, hairdresser or something of the sort, while i stood there waiting. Neither of them even looked around, they took their own little time before the cashier decided to come to the register and asked what i wanted. Customer services is not a department, its a thing, its a skill, WHY IS IT THAT WE DON'T HAVE ANYBODY WHO UNDERSTANDS THE CONCEPT OF CUSTOMER SERVICE, why do i keep having to tell people off! Is it too much to ask???


owen said...

hahahah the taxi thing happens to me all the time. I have one interection where I'm always trying to cross the road and the always trying to get me killed

Anonymous said...

i really get annoyed with people respond to a question about an amount, they will always state two numbers. like; the store is 4 or 5 miles from here, or, she is 10 or 11 years old.
Why can't the response be; the store is a little furture than 4 miles, or, she is almost 11 years old.
Even professionals on the 6 o'clock news will asy two numbers. WHY ?

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