I'm not one of the lucky ladies who have mother nature sneak up on random days and leave without any painful evidence of her arrival. No, I get it all. Whatever that's out there I manage to get. So days before she even arrives, she sends her messengers just as a reminder that her arrival is near and she plans to wreak her usual havoc. Yay me! sigh.
Now I've been visiting doctors since I was 12 years old in an attempt to figure out what on earth was going on with this ridiculous amount of pain. As usual everyone prescribed the usual, worth absolutely nothing, must get endorsements from pharmaceutical companies for distributing these meds, painkillers. You know the ones, Panadol, Midol, Panadene, Baralgin, Alleve, Motrin-Ibuprofen etc...you get the idea. Anything you can think of, I've had it. Nothing works, is the point really and I sit there very single month wondering, why, why oh why cant I please get me some Morphine, some Oxycotin, some Vicodin, is it too much to ask for painless bliss each and every month? Ladies? I mean, whats the big deal, so what if they can be habit forming, so can all those other nonsense in a pill, that we devour every month. I think its time i start demanding that my docs give me what I want. Simple...done...
Friday, 1 October 2010
...and why can't I have Morphine!!!!!!!
1:33 pm
thanks 4 dropping by my blog
at the risk of sharing too much. . . my MD put me on a birth control and it cut my symptoms down significantly.
thanks...did the same thing...my symptoms are killer, rarely does anything work...
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