Monday, 11 October 2010

The Funeral was great!!! Huh?!

I am not a fan of funerals. In all my life I've been to two funerals that were not of close family members and if I could have gotten out of those, I damn well would have. Anyway, here is what I do not understand. Why do people ask "so, how was the funeral?" That question almost always gets a discombobulated look from me. I mean, what am I supposed to even say? I'm sure there is a politically correct answer out there. But for me the truth would always be, "it was too long".

I mean, what is it supposed to be? Is it supposed to be fun? Is it supposed to be interesting? I don't think so. It's sad, people cry, people talk about the deceased life, and people cry some more or they don't. What exactly am I supposed to comment on, I don't know. Should I say "the food was awesome" and if it was not, should I then say "well the food sucked, the chicken was too dry". I mean come on people. It's a funeral. Don't ask me how it was. If you want to know something specific, then ask. Did so and so come, or did so and so cry, or was the casket of really expensive wood? Then I can talk to you. The next time someone asks me 'How was the funeral?" I'm gonna say "You know, I had a great time. The food was awesome".

The End


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