Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Why Relationships Do Not Last

A Twitter Trending Topic #whyrelationshipsdontlast sparked this post. The topic of relationships is always a hot one. There is always someone trying to get over one, get into one, break one up, or understand one (many other options exist I'm sure). The trickiest thing about a relationship, I think, is getting one to work. Funny enough, It's not just romantic relationships that are difficult but, any kind of relationship is ridiculously hard work, whether it be a mere friendship between two pals, trying to get along with co-workers or your boss, or relationships with family. I think a lot of people are more taken up with making romantic relationships last and here is my little list of reasons guessed it, relationships do not work.

1. People get into relationships for all the wrong reasons. What they are attracted to at an initial meeting are never the things that will make for a strong committed, long term relationship. Money, sex, physique, all matter, but you come to find, as a relationship goes on that these things are merely backseat drivers to more important things.

2. Some relationships just aren't meant to be! Just cause I love you and you love me, it doesn't mean that we're meant to be (line from Jazmine Sullivan's Lions, Tigers and Bears) Sometimes the timing might not be right for whatever reason. Believe me, it happens.

3. One person in the relationship isn't being honest about why they are in the relationship. Sometimes someone will go a far way, as far as being in a relationship just to get something for their own benefit. It could be money, sex, a link to someone else. Weirder things have happened.

4. People don't know how to not sweat the small stuff. Do you really need to complain about every little thing?- Like the toilet seat, or that she puts her hangbag somewhere you don't like, or sits on the couch with his hand in his crotch, I mean really. I'm sure there are more important things to figure out, like who is gonna pay for dinner tonight.

5. People are just too damned lazy to actually work at relationship. We have this fairytale expectation that things will always be fairy dust and flowers. Reality is, that lasts for a while, but that 'honeymoon period' where everything is romantic and sweet has to give way for a more meaningful connection.

6. Some people are just selfish! No explanation needed

7. People think they can change their partner. Believe this much: what you get during courting is probably the best it will ever get. So, if your grand plan is to change all the things about your partner as the relationship goes along, then I guarantee, you will become very unhappy and frustrated very quickly. You have to accept your partner for who they are. You'll fare better that way.

Believe me, relationships are hard. Going into one thinking 'this is gonna be a perfect little fairytale' is the biggest mistake you can make. Relationships will have their ups and downs, even the great ones. Your relationship should grow as a result of the hard times, learn from them and move one.
This is in no way some scientific explanation of why relationships do not work. These are my own personal views, this I have experienced myself or learnt from observation. Feel free to post your objections or agreement.


Kerryann said...

I totally agree with you. Many times those things we get into relationships for (money, physique etc.) fade and then what's left?

Also, people work hard in the initial stages to actually get the girl/guy they want but they forget to put in the same amount of work, if not more, in order to make the relationship last.

This one i'm guilty of....sweating the small stuff....working on it though cuz it can be reaaallly annoying.

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