Friday, 10 December 2010

Here's Your Sign

If we could all wear a sign, wouldn't that just make life a whooooole lot better? Then people wouldn't have to go around wondering what kind of person they are dealing with and, oh, how much less stressful life would be....Here are a few signs I think would get sold A LOT. If it was mandated by law, which I would gladly start the petition for, I'm pretty sure as a "sign seller" you could become a millionaire selling these:

BUTU-basically classless, dark, backward, fool fool and oh how many there are out there. You can usually tell by the way they dress and sometimes you have nothing to go off until they open their mouths and you wish you had never struck up an conversation to begin with.

Stupid- How many times I'm listening to conversations or around people and thinking to myself "here's your sign". I find a lot of stupid people work in customer service. Sometimes I think it's a requirement. The other day i walked into Digicel and asked for a car charger...the rep said they didn't have any and then asked me if I tried Digicel. Im looking at her like, ahm, wait lemme go outside and check the sign again. I decided to play along and ask her if she had the number she then said to me 'no I should check the directory"....Here's your sign!!!!!!!!!!

Cocky- Ok, so don't you wish you knew before you started to talk to someone like that, just what the conversation would be like? Confidence is a great thing but dear lord, moderation in everything, please I beg of you people.I don't need to know all your accomplishments. It's like those Bing  adverts, have you seen them? (here's a link to one) For a cocky person,. every word is a link to an accomplishment they just must tell you about. Oh, how annoying.

That my dears is my rambling for today. come back soon to see what else goes on in this head of mine.

That Bill Engval "song", "Here's your sign" was my inspiration for this post. Its not really a song per se but its kind of like...well here it is go check it out for yourself....


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