Wednesday, 22 December 2010

I Might Have Grown Up In A Cult

So...A cult by definition (affording to Oxford Online) "Is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object". Now, usually, cults worship things or people outside of the normal realms of acceptance by the wider society...u know like those crazy koolaid, actually it was grape Flavor Aid drinking people...check out that Jim Jones Story Here.

Anyway so, about me and this cult now. We actually worshiped God, sang from regular hymn books, did regular things like pray, erect a church in plain view for the public to see, people could only have one spouse etc. etc. This probably explains why I, only in retrospect, have the inclination to think that maybe this one was a little bit more than it appeared to be. Why am I suspicious then, you might ask? Weeeeellll....there are these few little tidbits...

- although I was pretty young and details are a bit less than forthcoming, I have recollections of large gatherings in a field in the middle of the night singing and dancing and chanting. What we sang, chanted and danced about I can't seem to remember. At the time it seemed quite normal to me and I would never question my dear Aunt about such things-I trusted her wholly and completely.
-Then there was the blessing of THE CHAIR. I know every church blesses new furniture that comes to the building. A prayer and a little spiel is customary and accepted. THIS blessing of the chair however, well. First off, it lasted all day. The next thing is, it happened at my house (I probably neglected to say how deep in this cult my family probably was, with one of the main churches being in our yard and all.) There was a crown! I have nothing more to say on that one.

-Like every other church, we had different branches. Lots of different branches in different parishes. What was a bit peculiar, and this might just be me, is that fact that the people were separated in church. There were three rows; one for men, one for women and one for visitors. Children sat in an upstairs balcony area monitored by what I call church babysitters. What's that all about? Anyways
-There was also the wearing of the white uniforms by women. That's not so strange. What really got me was the fact that if anyone ever got wind of any 'sin' committed, you would be relegated from pureness and had to wear plain clothes! You were too unclean to wear the usual whites! Ha! You had to repent of your sins and I'm too young to know what you had to do to get back to pureness.

-The killing of the animals is another thing that.....

Hmmm guys, this is getting long, you guys will have to check back tomorrow for part two....

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Things I learnt Over the Weekend

People should really strive to learn something everyday, no matter how small and insignificant that 'knowledge' may be. So I learnt some very 'important' things this weekend and as usual, because I do love you all so much, will share my new found knowledge.

1. Point and shoot cameras are just that. You point, they shoot. They are however, not think and shoot cameras. So despite every effort to make it jump out of your handbag or purse or whatever else and take a shot of a wonderful candid moment all by just reading your mind, it just won't. You will actually have to point it to shoot it. sigh.

2. Peter Phillips Disco really sucks! Unless of course you are over 50 years old! I should be very dissapointed at myself for expecting anything different really.

3. Clothes that bleed in the wash will always, always only bleed onto your favourite shirt, or skirt or favourite anything that happens to mistakenly find itself in that particular load. I swear it goes around looking for your stamp of favouritism and says 'yes this is the shirt i will bleed on today!' ugh....stupid clothes.

4. I used to believe ants go around searching for home under clothes lines. There is always an ants nest under clothes lines in grassy or dirt areas. Today I was most shocked to find that ants do not actually need the dirt or the grass, they apparently just go around searching for clothes lines! I was quite happy today with the thought of hanging my clothes out on a line that had as its base, concrete, because I was rather sick and tired of being bitten by ants in the grass at my old place. Needless to happiness was short lived as I found at my feet a bevy of ants right under the clothes line and no where else. So what I learned from that was; Ants like clothes lines...

That is all...

Friday, 10 December 2010

Here's Your Sign

If we could all wear a sign, wouldn't that just make life a whooooole lot better? Then people wouldn't have to go around wondering what kind of person they are dealing with and, oh, how much less stressful life would be....Here are a few signs I think would get sold A LOT. If it was mandated by law, which I would gladly start the petition for, I'm pretty sure as a "sign seller" you could become a millionaire selling these:

BUTU-basically classless, dark, backward, fool fool and oh how many there are out there. You can usually tell by the way they dress and sometimes you have nothing to go off until they open their mouths and you wish you had never struck up an conversation to begin with.

Stupid- How many times I'm listening to conversations or around people and thinking to myself "here's your sign". I find a lot of stupid people work in customer service. Sometimes I think it's a requirement. The other day i walked into Digicel and asked for a car charger...the rep said they didn't have any and then asked me if I tried Digicel. Im looking at her like, ahm, wait lemme go outside and check the sign again. I decided to play along and ask her if she had the number she then said to me 'no I should check the directory"....Here's your sign!!!!!!!!!!

Cocky- Ok, so don't you wish you knew before you started to talk to someone like that, just what the conversation would be like? Confidence is a great thing but dear lord, moderation in everything, please I beg of you people.I don't need to know all your accomplishments. It's like those Bing  adverts, have you seen them? (here's a link to one) For a cocky person,. every word is a link to an accomplishment they just must tell you about. Oh, how annoying.

That my dears is my rambling for today. come back soon to see what else goes on in this head of mine.

That Bill Engval "song", "Here's your sign" was my inspiration for this post. Its not really a song per se but its kind of like...well here it is go check it out for yourself....

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Why Relationships Do Not Last

A Twitter Trending Topic #whyrelationshipsdontlast sparked this post. The topic of relationships is always a hot one. There is always someone trying to get over one, get into one, break one up, or understand one (many other options exist I'm sure). The trickiest thing about a relationship, I think, is getting one to work. Funny enough, It's not just romantic relationships that are difficult but, any kind of relationship is ridiculously hard work, whether it be a mere friendship between two pals, trying to get along with co-workers or your boss, or relationships with family. I think a lot of people are more taken up with making romantic relationships last and here is my little list of reasons guessed it, relationships do not work.

1. People get into relationships for all the wrong reasons. What they are attracted to at an initial meeting are never the things that will make for a strong committed, long term relationship. Money, sex, physique, all matter, but you come to find, as a relationship goes on that these things are merely backseat drivers to more important things.

2. Some relationships just aren't meant to be! Just cause I love you and you love me, it doesn't mean that we're meant to be (line from Jazmine Sullivan's Lions, Tigers and Bears) Sometimes the timing might not be right for whatever reason. Believe me, it happens.

3. One person in the relationship isn't being honest about why they are in the relationship. Sometimes someone will go a far way, as far as being in a relationship just to get something for their own benefit. It could be money, sex, a link to someone else. Weirder things have happened.

4. People don't know how to not sweat the small stuff. Do you really need to complain about every little thing?- Like the toilet seat, or that she puts her hangbag somewhere you don't like, or sits on the couch with his hand in his crotch, I mean really. I'm sure there are more important things to figure out, like who is gonna pay for dinner tonight.

5. People are just too damned lazy to actually work at relationship. We have this fairytale expectation that things will always be fairy dust and flowers. Reality is, that lasts for a while, but that 'honeymoon period' where everything is romantic and sweet has to give way for a more meaningful connection.

6. Some people are just selfish! No explanation needed

7. People think they can change their partner. Believe this much: what you get during courting is probably the best it will ever get. So, if your grand plan is to change all the things about your partner as the relationship goes along, then I guarantee, you will become very unhappy and frustrated very quickly. You have to accept your partner for who they are. You'll fare better that way.

Believe me, relationships are hard. Going into one thinking 'this is gonna be a perfect little fairytale' is the biggest mistake you can make. Relationships will have their ups and downs, even the great ones. Your relationship should grow as a result of the hard times, learn from them and move one.
This is in no way some scientific explanation of why relationships do not work. These are my own personal views, this I have experienced myself or learnt from observation. Feel free to post your objections or agreement.

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