Sunday, 30 January 2011

This Old House

I spent my early childhood in a little community in St. Catherine called Guys Hill. I have real fond memories of those days. It was a very humble community, what people would probably call ‘backward”. We were the only one’s in our little district in Waterford, Guys Hill who even had a freezer; we made very good money selling ice- I smile at that now.
I visit every once in a while. A lot of my family still lives there, like my Grandfather and Grandma and a hosts of cousins and aunts. I visited that old house recently. It was great being back, I really did feel like a kid again. I took some pics of the things I had in that house that I found there today. Things that still work! I couldn’t believe it. Like the old Piano that I spent so much time on. My grandaunt says I used to slip out of bed at night and make a ton of noise on that thing when everyone else was sleeping. lol. I don’t remember that but I believe her. I saw my favourite little teapot aaawww its so cute. I managed to steal it away  .

So many memories when I think about that old house. Everyone I shared that home with is gone now but all the things remain. When I step inside it’s almost as though I’m back in 1991 again smiling with my great grandfather and my grandaunt and getting licks for not wanting to take a bath, doing my homework in front of the tv, plaiting my grandaunts hair and helping her sew.  I should go back more often because that’s when I feel closest to the people I loved so much and miss even more!


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